Oct 6, 2022
An update on the Colorado Water Plan from Jeff Rodriguez, Regional Water Coordination Specialist with the Colorado Water Conservation Board. The 2023 Water Plan, to be finalized in January, builds on a legacy of integrated statewide planning for water in Colorado. This updated plan continues to focus on collaboration between the state and the water community on-the-ground. To help Coloradans take action, the plan incorporates state-of-the-art tools and data focusing on four major interconnected action areas: Vibrant Communities, Robust Agriculture, Thriving Watersheds, and Resilient Planning.
Presenter’s Slides
To read the draft plan or share a water story, visit https://engagecwcb.org/
This episode was recorded at the Sustainability in Progress (SIP) virtual event on September 21, 2022. Sustainability in Progress is a monthly program of the Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future. Join us (free) the third Wednesday of every month. Next program:
Arts and Culture in the Pikes
Peak Region
October 19, 2022 12:00
Noon Mountain Time
Register in advance
for this meeting:
The mission of Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future is to promote regional sustainability and advance the Pikes Peak region's sustainability plan (PPR2030) through regional collaboration and outreach. Connect with us at peakalliance.org
The following environment/sustainability organizations in the Pikes Peak region collaborate to produce the Peak Environment podcast about environmental stewardship, sustainable living and enlightened public policy in the Pikes Peak Region.
Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future
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