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Environmental stewardship, sustainable living and enlightened public policy in the Pikes Peak Region. Keep up with all the organizations and events making our area a better place to live.

Several environment/sustainability organizations in the Pikes Peak region collaborate to produce the Peak Environment Podcast:

Colorado Springs Office of Innovation

Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future

Pikes Peak Environmental Forum

Pikes Peak Group of the Sierra Club

Pikes Peak Permaculture

This podcast is part of the Studio 809 podcast collaborative.

Jul 25, 2023

Permaculture elementary Environment Club, permaculture Earth Day Celebration, and a youth permaculture design course. Pikes Peak Permaculture discusses the importance of permaculture education to connect our children to nature, and how impactful it was in a local school.

Pikes Peak Permaculture is an educational 501c3...

Jul 5, 2023

How homeowners and the community can reduce wildfire risk and prepare for a wildfire event. Ashley Whitworth, Wildfire Mitigation Program Administrator for the Colorado Springs Fire Department, brings us up to speed on defending against wildfire. She also tells us about the Division of the Fire Marshal, and Peak...