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Environmental stewardship, sustainable living and enlightened public policy in the Pikes Peak Region. Keep up with all the organizations and events making our area a better place to live.

Several environment/sustainability organizations in the Pikes Peak region collaborate to produce the Peak Environment Podcast:

Colorado Springs Office of Innovation

Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future

Pikes Peak Environmental Forum

Pikes Peak Group of the Sierra Club

Pikes Peak Permaculture

This podcast is part of the Studio 809 podcast collaborative.

Dec 10, 2022

Learn about the changing climate in Colorado with Peter Goble of the Colorado Climate Center. Peter is a climatologist and research associate.

The Colorado Climate Center is located at Colorado State University, in Fort Collins, Colorado, within the Department of Atmospheric Science. As a recognized State Climate Office, the Center strives to collect and observe data with the purpose of monitoring the climate, placing individual events into historical perspective, disseminating climate information to the user community, and providing climate expertise as part of the decision-making process.

Colorado Climate Center

This episode was recorded at the Sustainability in Progress (SIP) virtual event on November 16, 2022. Sustainability in Progress is a monthly program of the Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future. Join us (free) the third Wednesday of every month. Subscribe to receive meeting notices and other updates from Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future:

The mission of Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future is to promote regional sustainability and advance the Pikes Peak region's sustainability plan (PPR2030) through regional collaboration and outreach. Connect with us at

The following environment/sustainability organizations in the Pikes Peak region collaborate to produce the Peak Environment podcast about environmental stewardship, sustainable living and enlightened public policy in the Pikes Peak Region.

Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future

Pikes Peak Permaculture

Keep up with all the organizations and events making our area a better place to live. Follow on your favorite podcast app so you don't miss an episode:

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