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Environmental stewardship, sustainable living and enlightened public policy in the Pikes Peak Region. Keep up with all the organizations and events making our area a better place to live.

Several environment/sustainability organizations in the Pikes Peak region collaborate to produce the Peak Environment Podcast:

Colorado Springs Office of Innovation

Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future

Pikes Peak Environmental Forum

Pikes Peak Group of the Sierra Club

Pikes Peak Permaculture

This podcast is part of the Studio 809 podcast collaborative.

Oct 24, 2019

Light pollution is the one pollution that costs less to solve than it does to continue polluting. It also represents a lot of wasted energy and has potential negative health effects. Plus, the lights of the city hide the wonders of the night sky from us. Clint Smith reacquaints us with what we’re missing and tells the...

Oct 16, 2019

Candidates for Colorado’s U.S. Senate seat up for grabs in 2020 share their positions on issues related to the climate crisis. This candidate forum was hosted by Indivisible Denver and fourteen other organizations (links below), held at the Ent Center for the Arts in Colorado Springs on October 6, 2019. Ten candidates...

Oct 15, 2019

Candidates for Colorado’s U.S. Senate seat up for grabs in 2020 share their positions on issues related to the climate crisis. This candidate forum was hosted by Indivisible Denver and fourteen other organizations (links below), held at the Ent Center for the Arts in Colorado Springs on October 6, 2019. Ten candidates...

Oct 10, 2019

Learn what’s going on at the podcasting hub of the Pikes Peak region, the Studio 809 podcast collective. Over a dozen podcasts originating in the area can be found at Studio 809 founder Dave Gardner fills us in specifically on the environmentally focused podcasts originating in the “basement...

Oct 3, 2019

Have at least one “arts and culture” experience this month. Art and culture have a lot of value to our community both in quality of life and economic impact. Just the non-profit arts in our region generate 153 million dollars of economic activity annually. The most recent Sustainability in Progress gathering...